wow um i think my mom is looking for a house Jesus Christ this is not good what am i gonna do she is gonna rip me from my home and that also mean that ill be farther from my friends and my dad and then thinking about all of this last night caused a minor break down then of course i have a dream about anthony and i dont know what to think about it. hes hurting so much and i just wanna help but if i was to tell him about the dream would he take it as me wanting to be with him subconsciously ugh what to do what to do what to do *sigh* ok a dream about me and him sitting on a bench at night (full moon) kissing then we get up and walk to my car but then it turned into a nightmare and instead of going somewhere nice we went to my grandmothers house and my parents were fighting my grandma started barking at me to clean the second we showed up and as if couldnt get any worse my dad left without a word mmmm =( i dont know what to think about it. the thing with anthony had me happy and smiling but obviously im not meant to be happy i dont know what to do about this. should i tell anthony should talk to my mom about how i feel should i call my dad and talk to him. and the worst thing is i cant even talk to anthony to find out what he thinks cause my mom checked online and took my phone away.