Friday, July 3, 2009

days gone by

the last couple of days have been amazing!!! on june 30th me and anthony were both in fantastic moods and considering all the BULLSHIT we go through daily that was pretty awesome so we totally exploited this fact and had some fun.... then we ACTUALLY RELAXED afterward idk but it was the best night in forever not to mention that i spent the day with my little bro at the orthedontist (lol) and then the gas station it was a fucking riot
then july 2nd was fun too me and luke (little bro) biked to mcyd's to hang with a friend then my aunt showed up and we went to my cousins house and hung with the girls grandma came same with my uncle and his wife it was nice to hang with the family and not want to kill everyone
idk about life maybe i can do it maybe i cant but for now i am happy!!

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