Friday, June 5, 2009

Heaven V.S Hell

Today was the best morning Ive had as far back as i can remember, i got to talk to my boyfriend @4am then i took a HOT shower (our water heater has been broken) got to talk to another friend bike to school (which i love doing cause it means i can do the next thing..) got Starbucks and still made it to school within my time. then i got some work done on my art project saw my ceramics pot (which looked awesome) understood what was going on in chemistry & aced a Japanese test.... then i had English class i got a C on a project i put way too much time into lost my possible extra credit because my class is full of stupid mother fuckers, got to ceramics and the kid who sits across from me was messing around and BROKE my FUCKING POT!!! god my day was born when i woke up was in its prime in art then got old and had a heart attack as English started then had another heart attack was put on a respirator and died after pulling the plug on itself in ceramics!! i mean i was in such a terrible mood when i got home my boyfriend (who i am totally in love with) couldn't cheer me up =( as the day progressed i started feeling a little better then i realized my parents have me looped in for babysitting my little brother (this is the third weekend in a row) i cant complain too much though... i just got a 2006 Avalon !BUT! my mom is threatening to withhold my right to drive it unless i drop 40lb. GRAWR!!!! Someone just shoot me in the forehead already!

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