so today idk why but i just had to tell my boyfriend about my doubts about "us" he didnt take it too fantastically but he took it better than i thought he would we are still together and are going to try to make this all work out but still.... i love him but idk its not as strong a love as it needs to be for "us" to work forever. maybe im just too particular about these things. cause i mean its not that we arnt happy together its that i cant take the uncertainty the inability to be with him... so yeah it is kinda about the distance but who doesnt want to be able to hold thier boyfriends hand at least once so i know im not completely insane. i am aware that it is really rare to find a guy willing to commit to you for a lifetime unless hes "the one" i do wish he is that special someone but i really doubt it. still hes so sweet and amazing idc what my gut is telling me im gonna stay with him for as long as possible! cause he is trying so why shouldnt i....